Steve McQueen’s drama movie Shame stars Michael Fassbender as Brandon, a handsome thirty-five-year-old man who lives in a fabulous New York apartment.His life is almost perfect, except for one small, but not inconsequential detail: he’s addicted to sex. Brandon is driven by his condition to engage in casual sex, but as he becomes increasingly overwhelmed by uncontrollable sexual desires, he is obsessively drawn to pursuing promiscuous sexual encounters with both women and men in a crescendo of perverted behaviour that seems to afford him no peace. However, as fate would have it, Brandon’s sister arrives in town, and she is perhaps the only being for whom he feels genuine affection. One evening in a bar, Sissy sings an incredibly poignant version of Liza Minnelli’s New York, New York, and her brother, who had gone to see her perform with his boss and friend, David, is profoundly moved. David lusts after Sissy, and the two have sex that night. Although Brandon is deeply upset by their engagement in casual sex based purely on physical attraction, his addiction gets worse by the day instead of better. To satisfy his urges, Brandon has frequent sex with both men and women, losing all control. Precisely because his addiction is intensifying, he asks his sister to move out. She, however, tells him how much she needs his support and then ends up attempting to kill herself. It is actually Brandon who saves Sissy, and her act of desperation shocks him into feeling huge remorse for his sex addiction. Brandon gives up his promiscuous behaviour, avoids any kind of relationship, and falls into a deep depression; will he decide to get help, and so protect Sissy, or will he continue to be a slave to his most perverted impulses?